2010 Schedule
Month | Book Title | Author | Reviewing | Hosting |
Jan. 7 | Death Comes for the Archbishop | Cather | Heather | Cheryl |
Feb. 4 | The Hunger Games | Collins | Laura | Jen |
Mar. 4 | Women of the Silk | Tsukiyama | Karen R. | Sharon |
Apr. 1 | My Life in France | Child | Julie | Heather |
May 6 | The Blind Side | Lewis | Cheryl | Monica |
June 3 | TBA | TBA | TBA | Cabin |
Aug. 5 | TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Sept. 2 | Gathering to Zion | Stegner | Linda | Paula |
Oct. 7 | Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie | Bradley | Jana | Karen G. |
Nov. 4 | The Candy Bombers | Cherny | Millie | Jana |
Dec. 2 | Christmas Party | N/A | N/A | Julie |
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